La Capilla, Oaxaca
La Capilla, Oaxaca
La Capilla, Oaxaca
La Capilla, Oaxaca
La Capilla, Oaxaca
Carr. Estatal Oaxaca - Zaachila km 14.5
Oaxaca, Oaxaca
Located in Villa de Zaachila, 15 km (9 miles) from Oaxaca
19 usd
average consumption
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily, from 9 am to 7 pm

About La Capilla Restaurant

Rescuing both prehispanic and colonial culinary tradition, this restaurant offers the best of this land for more than 50 years, time which have been prepared traditional recipes of Mrs. Yolanda. The house specialty is the black mole, but the restaurant offers many more recipes.
