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The oldest American wine tradition began in 1568, when Spanish conquistadors found this oasis i ...

Parras de la Fuente

On the tip of the hill of Sombreretillo, which is known for its similarity with a hat, is this ...

Parras de la Fuente

In the municipality of Parras in the middle of the desert are these rocks that were engraved by ...

Parras de la Fuente

A visit to Parras would not be complete without knowing any of the famous candy stores and witn ...

Parras de la Fuente

It is characterized by its vertical blue stone walls over 40 feet high. It is an excellent gun ...

Parras de la Fuente

Other options that are worth visiting apart from Casa Madero are: Rivero Gonzalez, Don Leo and ...

Parras de la Fuente