Campeche is a baroque Hispanic-American urban model and its historic center has been declared a ... more >>
Built in the late eighteenth century for fear of being attacked by pirates, it is a significant ... more >>
Construction of the eighteenth century, which is an example of military architecture developed ... more >>
The old main entrance to Campeche, was built in 1732 to protect against the multiple attacks re ... more >>
Casa de Artesanías Tukulná (The House of Thought), a space that brings together exclusive artis ... more >>
Housed in the Baluarte de la Soledad which represents the typical military architecture of Camp ... more >>
Reconstruction of the typical houses of high society in Campeche seventeenth to nineteenth cent ... more >>
Petenes are complex habitats of islands of varied vegetation that have made this reserve a uniq ... more >>
This street is one of the most beautiful city, and also the most famous and important. Here are ... more >>
House of the Itza, is one of the most interesting Mayan cities by technological advances showin ... more >>
The name means in Mayan "water that springs from the earth", and is inside the Baluarte de Sant ... more >>