Pinturas Rupestres de Boyé, Huichapan
Pinturas Rupestres de Boyé, Huichapan
Pinturas Rupestres de Boyé, Huichapan
Pinturas Rupestres de Boyé, Huichapan
Located in the community of Boye
Huichapan, Hidalgo
5 minutes from Huichapan

About Cave Paintings of Boye

On one side of the Boyé stream and only four kilometers from Huichapan, are the most outstanding cave paintings in the area. On the wall of a hill, a testimony of the nomads who passed through the region consisted of human figures with their arms outstretched and joined together in a row. In addition there are animals, stars, sun, geometric figures and representations of plants. They were all made in white.

How to Get?

Take a Mini Bus that goes against the PRI offices on the street Antonio Magos (1st. Traffic light before reaching the Presidency)
