About Whale Sighting
With the arrival of winter, the gray whale travels kilometers, from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Mexican seas, in search of its warm waters to procreate and give birth to their young.
If you want to be part of the spectacular swim of the whales along with their calves, you must travel during the first three months of the year and take a tour to enjoy these majestic animals.
The closest place from La Paz to see whales is the Bahía de Magdalena and, if you are lucky, it will pass so close that you can caress it.
Tour Operators that take you to enjoy this experience:

Topete No. 564 Interior E/5 de Febrero y Navarro, La Paz, Baja California Sur 800-355-7140 www.kayakbaja.com

Carr. a Pichilingue km 7.5, Local 50, La Paz, Baja California Sur +52-612-122-6057 redtravelmexico.com
Whale Sighting