San Sebastián del Oeste

Complete guide of San Sebastián del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico

San Sebastián del Oeste is found in the state of Jalisco, cradle of mariachi and tequila, ambassadors of Mexico in the world. To visit it is to be in an endless party, dance a tapatío syrup in the Square of the Mariachis or arrive by Train to the land of Tequila, admire the agave fields and why not? Take some "toritos" that for parched nothing better than a warm ruubish. Follow your tour in Puerto Vallarta, Costalegre, Mazamitla or San Sebastián del Oeste and remember that Guadalajara is home to The International Book Fair, one of the most important in the world. Find the Hotel that suits your taste and budget in the great hotel offer that it offers you.
Plan your trip to San Sebastián del Oeste
Plan your trip to San Sebastián del Oeste   |   San Sebastián del Oeste

Hotels in San Sebastián del Oeste

The best tourist adventures await you!

Mountain Bike

Browse trails and roads in the countryside, forests or mountains and enjoy the scenery and the natural environment around you.

Certified Operators for Mountain Bike

Rock Climbing

Take your body strength to limit climbing high walls and mountains without more than boost your own spirit.

Certified Operators for Rock Climbing


Take the challenge of vertical and technology dominates the decrease in insurance flown stones leaning on ropes and harnesses.

Certified Operators for Rapel


Sustentable Hotels that connects you
with nature

Pet Friendly Hotels

Hotels that brings the opportunity
to travel with your pet