see All Hotels in Valle de Guadalupe
Campera Hotel Burbuja
Valle de Guadalupe, Baja CaliforniaGlamping
12 rooms
1 / 3
Calle Emiliano Zapata s/n
Predio Los Alamitos, Valle de Guadalupe
Contact the Hotel directly to know availability and rates:
Calle Emiliano Zapata s/n
Valle de Guadalupe B. C.
Located in El Porvenir 22750 México
Valle de Guadalupe B. C.
Located in El Porvenir 22750 México
Telephone from Hotel
15 minutes from the Museum of Vine and Wine
air conditioning
boutique shop
green areas
more services

Campera Hotel Burbuja
Valle de Guadalupe
Accepts bookings upon request

Bandera =
Campera Hotel Burbuja, Valle de Guadalupe
The phone number is provided by the Hotel and is published on this website for informational purposes only.
Bandera =
Campera Hotel Burbuja, Valle de Guadalupe
The phone number is provided by the Hotel and is published on this website for informational purposes only.
Campera Hotel Burbuja, Valle de Guadalupe
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