Hotels in Leather Area, León
Book your Hotel with the best Offers and the best price in Leather Area, León
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Nueva Estancia Hotel
From 81 rooms
Spacious and comfortable rooms equipped with tv, telephone, air-conditioning, safe-deposit box, mini...
2 blocks from the Shoe Shopping Center
Special Offer
HS Hotsson León
From 211 Rooms
The most efficient comfort; If your trip is for business, you will have everything you need to work ...
5 minutes from Downtown
Special Offer
Enterprise Inn Poliforum
From 68 Rooms, 12 Suites
Comfortable, quiet and with a very good location.
Fifteen minutes from the airport.
Special Offer
Holiday Inn León
From 170 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
- pool
in front of the Shoes and Leather Shopping C...
Special Offer
Mateos 1215
Business Class
From 20 Rooms
First business class hotel accessible. Practical, four-star facilities at a comfortable rate. Strate...
Two blocks from the Plaza del Zapato (The Sh...
Special Offer
Real Azteca Boulevard
From 50 Rooms
Located in the most important hotelier, financial, commercial and cultural area of Leon. Real Azteca...
One block from Plaza del Zapato (The Shoe Ma...
Special Offer
River Poliforum
From 77 rooms
Enjoy a conservative colonial architectural design and experience a magical stay full of comfort and...
4 blocks from bus terminal
Special Offer
Terranova Zona Piel
From 71 Rooms
The hotel has with al the complementary services to let you enjoy your stay maximizing your time and...
Fifteen minutes from downtown.
Special Offer
Eco Express Poliforum
From 65 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
7 min from the Main Square and 5 minutes fro...
Special Offer
Hampton Inn by Hilton León
From 126 rooms
- internet
- parking
1 block from the Shoe Market
Special Offer
Hotel FG
Business Class
From 10 rooms
- internet
- parking
4 streets from Plaza del Zapato (Shoe Market...
Special Offer
Plaza Premier
From 36 Rooms
We offer you a quality tourist service, with excellent family atmosphere and insurance as well as th...
2 blocks from Leather Zone
Special Offer
From 58 rooms
- air conditioning
- internet
- parking
One block from the Bus Station
Special Offer

Houses, Flats and Cabins
The new way of booking with your friends or family
see Houses, Flats and Cabins

The next hotels do not offer online Bookings
They are included only as information for our users
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
To book it will be necesary to contact them directly
All Rich Suites
Suites2 blocks from the Bus Station
León, Gto.
Fee Level
Real Azteca Zona Piel
a side of the Bus Terminal
León, Gto.
Fee Level
Hostal Yapa
Youth Hostel650 meters from Museum of Art and History
León, Gto.
Fee Level
in front of the Bus Terminal
León, Gto.
Fee Level
a side from the Bus Station
León, Gto.
Fee Level
Go Mini Hotel
Back to the Bus Station of Leon
León, Gto.
Fee Level
Nueva Zelanda
in the Piel Zone
León, Gto.
Fee Level
in front of the Bus Terminal
León, Gto.
Fee Level