Tlamanalli, Teotitlán del Valle
Tlamanalli, Teotitlán del Valle
Tlamanalli, Teotitlán del Valle
Tlamanalli, Teotitlán del Valle
Juárez No. 39
Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca
3 blocks from the Church of Teotitlán del Valle
30 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open trough Tuesday to Sunday, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Closed on Mondays

About Tlamanalli Restaurant

The food of this restaurant is typical of the Zapotec culture and has become one of the most traditional of Teotitlán del Valle. From its Mexican decor, to its pre-Hispanic dishes, the whole culinary experience will be very grateful.
NOTE: Only attend under previous reservation.

Hotels near
Tlamanalli Restaurant
