Pulquería La Tía Yola, Tlaxcala
Pulquería La Tía Yola, Tlaxcala
Pulquería La Tía Yola, Tlaxcala
Plaza Xicoténcatl No. 7
Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala
one block from the Plaza de la Constitución (Main Square)
11 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)
Open: Open daily, from 11 am to 9 pm. Closed on Mondays

About Pulquería La Tía Yola Restaurant

This restaurant is not only famous for their most requested dishes such as Tlatloyos (similar to Tlacoyos), the bighorn mixote ayocotes (purple beans) or pork ribs pipián all specialties tlaxcalteca kitchen; but because here you can taste a rich natural pulque or cured with seasonal fruits, brought directly from the famous Hacienda Xochuca.
