Acueducto del Padre Tembleque, Apan
Acueducto del Padre Tembleque, Apan
Acueducto del Padre Tembleque, Apan
Acueducto del Padre Tembleque, Apan
Located in the town of Santiago Tepeyahualco
Apan, Hidalgo
32 km (20 miles) northwest of the city
Schedule: Open daily, from 8 am to 7 pm

About Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque

Built to bring water to the natives of Otumba, Zacuala and Zempoala, it is the most important hydraulic work of the Colony. It bears the name of who planned and directed its construction, Fray Francisco Tembleque, between 1545 and 1562. With 44 kilometers in length, its excellent conservation is due to the use of burnished to join the stones, consisting of lime, water, honey. and cactus slime, making it a magnificent engineering work.

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Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque

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