Includes: Cable car, Museum and entrance to the Cave.
About The Garcia Caves
These caves remained million years submerged under the sea, from there you can observe marine fossils on their walls, and remained hidden for thousands of years. In 1843 discovers the Father Juan Antonio Sobrevilla and are now equipped for the recorras with a guide.
You can opt for a long journey that lasts two hours, or one shorter than 45 minutes. In both you will observe impressive stalactites and stalagmites.
Tour Operators that take you to enjoy this experience:

Av. Lázaro Cárdenas No. 1010, Col. Residencial San Agustín, Monterrey, Nuevo León +52-81-1805-9509 toursinmonterrey.com

Bosques de Cedros No. 601, Monterrey, Nuevo León +52-81-152-37967 ajuatoursmonterrey.com.mx