Museo de Arte Religioso Ex Convento de Santa Mónica, Puebla
Museo de Arte Religioso Ex Convento de Santa Mónica, Puebla
Museo de Arte Religioso Ex Convento de Santa Mónica, Puebla
Museo de Arte Religioso Ex Convento de Santa Mónica, Puebla
Av. 18 Poniente No. 103
Centro Histórico
Puebla, Puebla
at the corner of street 5 de Mayo
approximate cost
2 usd
General Admission
Children under 13 years, Free Entrance
Schedule: Open through Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm. Closed on Mondays

About Exconvento de Santa Mónica

In what was a convent of nuns clandestine until 1934, it now houses the museum opens its doors one year after it was denounced the government of Plutarco Elias Calles when persecuted religious orders. Thus, in 1935 collections of paintings and sculptures by other convents met state.
In 2011 after a restoration reopens showing how living the Augustinian Recollect nuns.
