17 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

The aim of the Chef Celia and her son Alan, the capital is to share with guests the taste of Oa ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

The aim of the Chef Celia and her son Alan, the capital is to share with gu ...

Condesa Area 
17 usd
18 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Asian Bay is the best and only fine dining Chinese restaurant in Mexico City, popular with the ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Asian Bay is the best and only fine dining Chinese restaurant in Mexico Cit ...

Condesa Area 
18 usd
Tacos al Pastor
10 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

This popular restaurant claims to have originated tacos al pastor – quién sabe? They were proba ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México
Tacos al Pastor

This popular restaurant claims to have originated tacos al pastor – quién s ...

Condesa Area 
10 usd
9 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

One of the owners is Polish, the others are Mexican and the sign says “tacos orientales.” Whate ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México
Tacos Árabes

One of the owners is Polish, the others are Mexican and the sign says “taco ...

Condesa Area 
9 usd
27 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Jean Claude Roches is the creator of this Spanish corner in the heart of the Condesa. The relax ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Jean Claude Roches is the creator of this Spanish corner in the heart of th ...

Condesa Area 
27 usd
Italian Cuisine
23 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

No bigger or fancier than the fonda it undoubtedly replaced, this mini-trattoría and pizzeria o ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México
Cocina Italiana

No bigger or fancier than the fonda it undoubtedly replaced, this mini-t ...

Condesa Area 
23 usd
24 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Jamil, perhaps Mexico’s best Lebanese restaurant, is the dream come true of owner Mohamed Jamil ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Jamil, perhaps Mexico’s best Lebanese restaurant, is the dream come true of ...

Condesa Area 
24 usd
18 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Located on a quiet tree lined street this is the city’s best option for Indian food. It is a si ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Located on a quiet tree lined street this is the city’s best option for Ind ...

Condesa Area 
18 usd
3 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Quite literally, this is a corner (of Tamaulipas and Alfonso Reyes) selling traditional cakes a ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Quite literally, this is a corner (of Tamaulipas and Alfonso Reyes) selling ...

Condesa Area 
3 usd
5 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Don Richard Godínez prepares carnitas in his home and his boys sell tacos out of the back of a ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Don Richard Godínez prepares carnitas in his home and his boys sell tacos o ...

Condesa Area 
5 usd
32 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Salacia, which opened its doors at the fall of 2016, is a cozy, unpretentious spot that special ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Salacia, which opened its doors at the fall of 2016, is a cozy, unpretentio ...

Condesa Area 
32 usd
24 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

Greek specialties such as paputsaka (stuffed eggplant), kalamárea (fried squid, Greek style) an ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México

Greek specialties such as paputsaka (stuffed eggplant), kalamárea (fried sq ...

Condesa Area 
24 usd
Neighborhood's Cuisine
27 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

While this bistro brings the best of France to your table, such as mussels in various presentat ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México
Cocina De Barrio

While this bistro brings the best of France to your table, such as musse ...

Condesa Area 
27 usd
Of the Baja California
42 usd
average price per person
(food and soda)

With kitchen booming Baja California, for those who can not escape the peninsula to enjoy the t ...

Condesa Area Ciudad de México
De la Baja California

With kitchen booming Baja California, for those who can not escape the peni ...

Condesa Area 
42 usd